
Our goal is to achieve an aesthetic smile returning a good facial proportion and longevity of the masticatory function.

Get to know the treatments in Orthodontics offered by Clínica Fernando Mendes

  • Orthodontics - Fernando Mendes Clinic uses orthodontics, esthetic devices that have advanced technology and, on average, reduce treatment time by half if compared to the conventional device. The aesthetic devices are practically invisible and ideal for those who do not want the use of metallic devices. In addition, these devices are more comfortable, painless in most cases and reduce the number of office visits. You deserve this technology! Schedule your evaluation and get to know our technology.
  • CONVENTIONAL ORTHODONTICS - Conventional orthodontics is composed of metallic devices, responsible for the alignment and leveling of the upper and lower teeth and also for the correction of the arches. A treatment with the fixed appliance can last for about 18 to 36 months, depending on the collaboration, care and complexity of each patient's treatment.
  • AESTHETIC ORTHODONTICS - The most used aesthetic orthodontics is with ceramic devices that mimic the color of the tooth through its translucency. Despite the need to use metallic-looking wires, this appliance becomes a good choice for anyone who wants a discreet orthodontic treatment.
  • SELF-CONTAINED APPLIANCES - Self-ligating orthodontic appliance is the most common denomination of bracket-less devices that do not require elastic or metallic ligature for the wire, or orthodontic arch, to be trapped within the slots. The self-ligating devices are so efficient because they do not require elastic or metallic ligatures this decreases the friction between the wire and the bracket allowing the application of super light forces, which is ideal for excellent orthodontic movement. The mechanism can also reduce the number of queries required, since we must let the device 'work' more continuously. Queries are also faster because of the ease of wiring.
  • FACIAL ORTHOPEDICS - Facial orthopedics is an important technique in the correction of jaws and face harmony. These devices have their best results during the patient's growth period. Facial orthopedics has been decreasing the need for use and treatment time with fixed appliances. Some cases receive a combined treatment, using facial orthopedic appliances and orthodontics.

Start your treatment now

Come make your smile


Unit I
Rua Américo Brasiliense, 1765, Cj. 24
(11) 5182-0016 | 2892-8560


Unit II
Rua Iaiá, 150 Cj. 12
(11) 3071-3046 | Fax: 3079-5369

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